Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ashley's end of the summer

I can't believe it's my last week! It seems like only yesterday I was putting in my application to be an intern. I guess it's true that doing something you love can be gone and done before you know it. Good thing I didn't waste any time!

I love learning about the Aquarium and the animals. It has pointed me in the right direction of which career to go for. It's so hard to believe that I only have 3 days left. I'm glad I'm going to volunteer though, because I love it here.

The people here have made me a more open person. I love the fact that I have changed. I must say this, being my first job I am spoiled. I don't know that a part time job working in retail will be the same as this. My favorite part of this whole internship is the people and getting to hold the animals and touch a penguin! There is just one word to describe my experience and that word is...AMAZING!! I would cry because I'm leaving, but I know this is only the beginning of something more amazing.

My worst time here (it was hard to find one) was when I was trying to get a survey and this lady told me she was P.O.'d (she said the real words) because her daughter (30 years old, I might add) decided she didn't want to be here and she was mad that the Aquarium wouldn't give her her money back. I literally almost cried, but I just looked at her and said, "I am sorry", then she walked away and I was so sad that someone could be so grumpy when I felt so wonderful. I felt bad because she looked like she was having a bad day, so I tried to make it better, but she was having nothing to do with it. That was the one and only bad time I've had at the Aquarium.

I'm going to miss all my newly made friends and hope to spend time with them in the future. I am going to miss everything about the internship and the Aquarium, but most of all my Aquarium family!

- Ashley Mantilla


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