Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mai's end of the summer

Hey! It's me again. As you know, the high school internship program is coming to an end. The girls and I have had a great time and are sad that it's all about to end.

We've learned a lot together and bonded very well. Looking back at all the things we've done together has brought us closer.

We have made bird diets, done cart programs for sharks, reptiles, sea turtles and birds, helped with the touch tank and trading post, and learned how to handle snakes, alligators, turtles, tortoises and owls. We've worn costumes, funny hats and even face paint to attract visitors and have fun while exhibit guiding. We also went on the "camping" trip where we ended up sleeping at the Aquarium and playing sardines.

There are so many memorable things to write about and only so much blog space so I'll leave this with, "It was Fun! We learned a lot! I'll be back to volunteer soon!"

- Mai Pham


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