Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A fun day out at Camp St. Christopher

So Saturday, May 21st was another training day for the high school interns. But this time, it was only the 10 interns that will be working here over the summer. Since they are a new team and will be working closely with each other, we went out to Camp St. Christopher on Seabrook Island to do some team building activities on their low ropes course. We did some fun stuff like pipeline and alligator alley - and even got to see a real alligator!

It was a new experience for everyone and they all had fun trying something new. The activities were a great way for the girls to understand the importance of communication, respect and trust, which are all things they will be using for a successful summer. And you definitely need to trust your team mates if you are blindfolded!

Thanks to David out at Camp St. Christopher for a great day!

When we got back to the Aquarium, we finished up with some training on what to expect on their first day and then something very special - a tour of our Sea Turtle Hospital! The girls got to see the turtle patients up close, learn their stories and better understand why conservation is so important.

The girls will be back one more time, on Saturday, June 4th for a final training day to get them prepared for the summer. Next up: learning the touch tank, learning the cart programs and learning how to handle a snake and baby allligator. I know they can't wait!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Welcome the intern class of 2011!

It was a tough competition but we have picked our 10 high school interns for this summer. We had great kids go through the classes and going from 20 to 10 was not easy. But I am very proud of the kids we have selected and look forward to a great summer.

Of the 10 interns this summer. we have an all-female class and they represent 5 different local high schools. Congratulations to the following interns -

Maisa Amireh - Hanahan HS
Samia Anderson - Garrett Academy
Shantell Brown - Garrett Academy
Kieontay Desaussure - Garrett Academy
Helena Fulmore - Academic Magnet
Jessica Kent - Garrett Academy
Quinandria Lee - Garrett Academy
Keomba McNeely - Goose Creek HS
Rebecca Mohn - Summerville HS
Nijeeah Richardson - Academic Magnet

There are two more training classes to get the girls ready for the summer - May 21 and June 4. Everyone will start the week of June 13 and the internship will last through August 7.

Congrats again to everyone! And we will see some new smiling faces at the Aquarium very soon.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Crabbing in Old Village Mount Pleasant

So our high school training classes wrapped up with classes in April going crabbing out at the Old Pitt Street Bridge in Mt. Pleasant. This was a great opportunity for the interns to be out in a very important habitat that we have been learning about - the salt marsh.

So we headed out with some crab nets and bait for a fun day in the sun. We caught several blue crabs and the interns got to learn about these unique animals and even how to tell the difference between a male and a female crab.

Bird watching was also part of the day - we saw laughing gulls, pelicans, egrets, great blue heron, oyster catchers and many more. We also learned about Spartina grass and why it can survive in the harsh environment of the marsh.

It is sad that the training classes are over! The time went by so fast. But the summer is fast approaching and now we have to pick 10 interns out of 20 to work over the summer. So we are doing 2nd interviews this week and will be making our picks very soon.

So check back soon to see which interns made into the summer class of 2011!
