Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jessica's favorite part of the internship

I loved everything so far. If I really had to choose my favorite part of the internship, it would be handling the animals and working behind the touch tank. So far, my favorite animals are the snakes - I really like Rosie [Colombian red tailed boa] and Monty [ball python]. I love talking to guests about the animals and educating them on important facts about different animals.

The touch tank is a great experience for guests and staff to encounter because you get to touch and pick up animals. My favorite part about the touch tank is feeding the animals and giving the horseshoe crabs and stingrays shrimp, smelt and other food they enjoy that is prepared for them. They are always happy and excited when it is time to eat.

I also enjoy working with my fellow interns and my wonderful supervisors, Kate and Kathy. I will truly miss the internship when it is over :(



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