Friday, August 5, 2011

Jessica's final blog

I'm really glad I had the chance to participate in this program. I love the SC Aquarium and this has been a great experience for me. I have learned a lot from working here. I've learned a lot about animals. I have increased my knowledge everyday.

Before working here, I was not a big fan of snakes but now I love them. I also enjoyed working with the birds. This program has inspired me to study for a career as a vet for exotic animals and not just cats and dogs but all animals.

This is my first real job - I don't want it to end but it has been a fun summer. I got to work with new friends and have a good time. The advice I would give to other kids is that this is a fun program that gives the perfect experience to work with animals and you get paid. It's perfect for students who love biology and animals. You also get to meet new people from different schools.



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