Friday, August 5, 2011

Keomba's final blog

Geez, I can't believe it's come down to the final week so fast! This program was definitely worth applying to and all the training classes! I had a ton of fun working with all the animals and also really putting myself out of my comfort zone. Ever since my freshman year of high school, I promised myself to break out of my quiet shell. Since working as an intern, I have come out of that shell and I am more comfortable around huge crowds (and the Aquarium can get CROWDED). Also, working with animals (snakes, gators, birds, stingrays) that I never dreamed I would see has really strengthen my beliefs in animal rights! I have gained a new perspective on how people can affect animals and the environment without even knowing it.

It was great getting to know all of the other interns and volunteers and teaching visitors about the animals and seeing their faces when I bring out an animal!

My advice to Cortney and Ambri (future interns maybe? If I convince them to carry out the gator tradition blood line :) ) is to be open minded. Being an intern has challenged me to more responsible (with Kathy always around the corner :) ) and more of a people person. Honestly, there were times I didn't want to go out and talk to people or deal with Ron B. but by doing it, I gained the experience of a lifetime and I can say I have soooo many laughs about it!

I will truly miss everything and everyone and iI hope I can come back and volunteer.



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