Friday, August 17, 2012
Well it’s
been almost two weeks since the interns had their last day…and it is quiet
around here! I can’t believe it’s almost time for recruitment again! What an
amazing summer we had! Everyone did such an AMAZING job this year and was a tremendous
help to us when we are at our busiest. Special shout out to Emoni, Shelby and
Jassmine who have all committed to helping us this coming Sunday, August 19th
at the First Day Festival when we open the building FREE to anyone from 1-6pm. We
usually see about 5000 people in that amount of time so it’s bound to be a lot of
fun! Alex, April, Carles’, Destin, Emoni, Jassmine, Kyri, Shelby, Summer and
Tyler-you are all greatly missed and hopefully we’ll get to see you all soon!
-Mama Kate
and Drew
Thursday, August 2, 2012
HSIP Summer Trip!
We had SO much fun on our HSIP fun day/summer trip/sleepover this year! We started at the Center for Birds of Prey learning about raptors and enjoying some flight demonstrations. Every intern was a trooper when the rain started the hammer down! We got soaked, but thankfully we were all in our beach gear!
AFfer the Center for Birds of Prey, we enjoyed lunch and then headed to Sulllivan's Island and enjoyed some relaxing beach time. It was so much fun for all ten interns to be able to hang out together since some didn't work many shifts together this summer. ("Golden Fish"-interns...) The weather held out perfectly for the afternoon, and then we headed back to the aquarium for a SLEEPOVER! We created scrapbooks with photos to reflect the entire summer, played "Sardines" (best hide and seek game ever), played some Wii games, Giga-giga-ga-giga-ga-papa, and enjoyed sundaes, rootbeer floats and a game called "What are the odds"!
This might be my favorite day of the year...getting to spend time with all the interns at one time. This is a summer to REMEMBER!
-Kate and Drew
Carles's last blog
I believe
that the intern program is a good opportunity for teens to go out and explore,
conserve, and learn more about their environment. It also gave me the chance to
get over my strong phobia of snakes. I used to think that all snakes were bad
now I know otherwise. I gained knowledge that I can carry with me throughout
the rest of my life. I also gained the confidence to go out and talk about the
importance of animals and recycling to others. For interns in the future, I shall
say to you: this wasn’t an easy task. You must work for what you want. If that
happens to be this internship, make sure you put forth the time and effort. Be
interactive and show your dedication through your homework. Everything you do
in your training classes are a learning process and even if you don’t make it into
the paid internship, take what you’ve learned with you for the rest of life. I
will truly miss the other nine interns along with Kate and Drew and the education
staff. They took us in with welcoming arms and taught us everything we needed
to go out and have a successful future. Be mindful, these 8 weeks went by quick
so cherish every moment of it like it’s your last.
Carles’ on left
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
April's last blog
is awesome! The other interns and staff are amazing and I’m going to miss them a
lot! I have learned so much from this internship about South Carolina and all
of its creatures. I’ve also learned more about creating a cover letter and
resume. This program has definitely helped me prepare for my future and decide
what I want to do in life. My advice for the future interns to have fun and
soak up as much information as you can!
Emoni's last blog
This was a great program for me to get in to. I learned a lot even though I wasn’t in school. I met a lot of people who taught me different techniques when it came down to doing different things, which made being on the floor a breeze. I gained and learned a lot from this program. I gained the confidence to handle snakes, which is something that I wouldn’t’ have done before my internship and confidence to talk to people about the different things we have at the aquarium. While working with the other interns I learned the true value of a team. When you work together things seem to be ten times easier. Being shy isn’t going to help when you are a part of a team, so I was able to come out of my shell. If you want to do this internship, the most important advice I could give any one is to be yourself. Do what makes you comfortable and people always like you for being “uniquely” you!
Emoni on right
Kyri's last blog
NO!!! The
waterworks are going to start…I’ve loved every moment here at the aquarium and
I’m so very sad that the internship is almost over. This program is an amazing
opportunity for anyone whether it be simply to broaden horizons or for an
interest in the field. I’ve learned all about SC and the life in it. I gained
the confidence in myself to know that what my mind can conceive, I can achieve.
Students who want to do this internship should just be motivated and
respectful. Set goals and go for them. J
Summer's last blog
I loved
the internship program! It was very fun. I learn so much about all the animals
and regions of South Carolina. I also gained experience with working with
various and multiple people. This was my first job, so I also gained the
experience of a job in general. My advice for students who would like to do internship
in the future is to go for it! It is a ton of fun and you practically get paid
for having fun! I also advise to work your hardest at dedicating 100% effort
into everything that you do in the training classes and at the aquarium. Go
above and beyond your or other’s expectations. (Be a “Fred”!)
Love, Summer
PS-I will miss this!
Love, Summer
PS-I will miss this!
Summer in the middle
Tyler's last blog
internship program was an amazing experience. I gained a ton of friends while
expanding my knowledge on animals and places I thought I knew about. In school
you learn the bare minimum about the regions of the state. If you come here and
take the time to go through each exhibit, then you are bound to learn something
you did not already know. For future students wanting to do the internship,
always remember to put your best foot forward and don’t wait until the last
minute to do your homework. This program is a great experience that should not
be taken for granted. I am definitely going to miss this place, the people and
the turtles!
Jassmine's last blog
It has been
such an awesome program. I can’t stand thinking that I’m heading in on my last
week. What a great opportunity has this been?! I have learned so much about
animals and the environment and just about life in general. I have gained so
many communication skills and animal care skills, and much much more that I can’t
even describe. If I would have any advice for the interns next summer, I would tell
them to enjoy the internship while it lasts because summer is too short and
time flies when you’re having fun. I would tell them not to pass up this
awesome opportunity because you learn so much and get to do many things that
you usually wouldn’t. But most importantly, I would tell them to learn as much
as they can, and spread that knowledge just as I have and will do. J
Love always,
Destin's last blog
internship has been so much fun. I don’t want it to end. Everyone here is so
nice and outgoing. I’ve learned so much about conservation and marine life.
Marine science is going to be a breeze next year. J I’ve gained a lot of friends from doing
this internship. I’m so glad I remember to apply this year because this is a
wonderful experience. My uncle Jon always tells me not to let any opportunity
pass because so many people do and regret it later, and it was the best advice I
ever took. Future interns, all I can tell you is be yourself, do you training
homework and have fun! Don’t let this opportunity pass because you’ll never
know how awesome this experience is and you’ll miss out on meeting some great people.
Destin on right
Shelby's last blog
intern program was the greatest experience I’ve ever gotten to do. I learned so
much this summer from learning the different animals of the aquarium to learning
“fun facts” about each animal to gaining new friends. Advice I would give to
other students is for them to not pass up the opportunity for this program if
it’s offered to you. If you are selected, make sure you stay involved in the
group. With the homework, you don’t have to be an artist. It’s a good thing to
do it though. Read/skim manual. People ask lots of questions and the answers
are in there! J
Most of all have fun! Program is only 8 weeks. Make the best of it!
Alex's last blog
I absolutely
loved the internship and would one day like to be a part of it as an educator.
(Watch out Kate, I’m coming for your job! J) I have learned so much about working with the public
and what it takes to be a “Fred”. My advice for future interns is to enjoy the
time you have here and make every minute count because time flies when you’re
having fun (trust me, you WILL have fun). Anyway, for those future interns,
have fun and good luck. Also, have a fantastic day.
-Alex <*)))><{